Where Children Play

Where Children Play

The Gingerbread Man day at Discovery Sprouts

This class rotated around the theme of this poem in this charming Mother Goose nursery rhyme book.

Near and Far

Little children far away

Cross the ocean wide

Though they do not look like us

Are the same inside.

Other children everywhere,

I would like to meet,

Ones who live across the sea,

Others down the street.

By Kate Cox Goddard

Our little goal in a sweet way was to open the children’s understanding that God loves His children all across the world, many looking different than whom we see in our immediate view.

The children loved singing all the verses about all God’s children. We sang variations of this verse, “He’s got the brown skins and the white skins” a few times, holding our many shades of dollies up, along with your traditional verses, “He’s got the brothers and the sisters in His hands, He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

We read “The Little Gingerbread Man”.

And then used our light brown tinted play dough to make gingerbread people, while listening to a vintage record about the Gingerbread Man.

What a fun day and way to learn God loves all his beautiful children, and we can love each other too!

here’s a little slice!

Gingerbread man playing on the record


Emmy Gay

Come join the love and fun! Enrollment info at the bottom of this post.