Where Children Play

Where Children Play

Painting Hollyhocks for Mother’s day with Discovery Sprouts

We asked our guest’s mom, what her favorite flowers were: Hollyhocks and lilies.

I did a demo on how to paint each flower and then guided the children as needed through their creations.

For our snack time today, we ate popcorn to keep it more simple than our usual manners tea party/picnic.

I was able to get a little of the experience recorded. Watch me teach my three year old!

Teaching Young Children to Paint

After instructing him how to paint the stems and circles for the flower, he painted these red columns all on his own that truly look like hollyhocks! Each child added particular things to their own painting that came from their own heart and intuition.

For example, our guest had a portion of her painting that had an impressionistic style of an entire field of holly -hocks, with movement, motion and vibrancy included. My oldest son painted a bold blue sky that in its finished form went right up to the flowers, eliminating all white space toward his smaller style of hollyhocks. And my middle son is the only one who wanted to paint the lilies too and painted it all without suggestions and guidance.

If you have questions, please feel free to text me and or arrange for a phone call.

Contact information at the end of this post.