Where Children Play

Where Children Play

Recently, my beautiful eldest daughter had a milestone birthday.

My cousin, Rachel, was starring in Fiddler on the Roof, and what a great opportunity to celebrate my daughter’s birthday and go to an amazingly well done play at Hale Center Theatre.

The special effects, music and dancing were simply stunning. My talented cousin Rachel with her bright beautiful winning smile, reminded us so much of my sister, Mim. She did a phenomenonal job. But more importantly, how much fun did my daughter and I have? So much fun!!!

Next time, we will take photos! Picture the background and the first woman, as me!

The second picture, first woman, depicts my sister.

And the third picture depicts our handsome youth, approximately.

Afterward, we had amazing hotdog brats and hamburgers, recommended by my sister. Mim treated my daughter! 🥰🥰 My sister’s kids were so fun, kind, and funny. We had a great time together.

What a wonderful night!

Then, my daughter wanted to generously treat me for Mother’s day!

First we had some laughs as we sipped herbal tea at a favorite spot.

Next we visited our favorite charming Lavendar House out of Bear River City. Here our dear Peggy Rogers sales feminine decorative wares and beautiful relics made in Africa. She set up The Zambian Scholarship Fund where ALL donations fund highschool students, teachers, college students, repair old buildings, buy bicycles for students traveling 20 miles on rough roads as well as fund orphanages. 25 odd years ago, she visited poverty stricken Zambia visiting her friend and asked the people how she could help. “We want education.” This darling heart filled tenacious Peggy built these from the ground up, collecting books and donations through many frustrations, hurdles and tears. Supporters feel so good inside for what they can simply donate towards each month or with one time donations.

To step into “The Lavender House,” especially with my daughter, is to smell the intoxicating scents of springtime, often in the dead of winter, and is a slice of heaven. Here we share memories of viewing charming whimsical things and chatting with our treasured Peggy Rogers with her husband, Scott.

We sat at a park bench in front of the drying shed and talked. We walked the block, dreamed of future adventures, and celebrated her semester achievements. As we returned to their flower arrayed home before a loving goodbye, we enjoying viewing a black horse in a pasture with the golden sun gleaming highlights and golden yellow flowers across the street.

Right now, we anticipate doing some antiquing together, and traveling. I love her phone calls and am so delighted of each new thing she learns.

So many memories ahead, I am loving watching her blossom!!


Emmy Gay
