Where Children Play

Trot Trot to Boston

“This is the way the Ladies ride, tritt to tree, tritt to tree!…”

My mother was a master at playing with babies as she nursed them, changed their diapers, bathed, dressed and massaged them. It seemed she had a very large repertoire of little songs, and ditties that she just knew that included tickles, giggles and sweetness. My father also had different games that he played with us, they were both lovely little kid parents.

At age 10 or so, I remember being at a long and boring church meeting. It was one of those that were occasional and went much longer without built in time for little ones to play with toys, sing songs or eat snacks. I remember taking the baby out of the meeting and playing with them in the hall with this imaginative little lap game. All my siblings and I had tools from watching Mom and Dad, such as this, for when we changed the diaper or helped calm a baby so that you didn’t have to stretch your mind for creativity. Incidentally, as you likely know, little ones thrive on the predictable things, hence the game peek a boo going round after round.

It has been fun to see my daughter come home from college and play this lap game with youngest siblings. The heritage of loving playful kindness, has continued.

Just the other night, we were headed out for a date, and one of my youngest needed some time together before we left, so I brought him to my lap. I did this nursery lap game/song twice maybe, and he wanted me to do it “six” more times, so I compromised with 2 more versions done in fast forward. One of my middle aged sons caught the tail end on tape, so much so that you can’t understand what I’m saying! I’ll have to have someone record a re-do for you!

Trot trot to Boston

My mom would use this darling pony ride for lap connection time with older babies, toddlers and young children. It’s pretty irresistible.

My three youngest children, all love this lap game.

Baby Billy Goat Gruff’s Trot Trot to Boston
Middle Billy Goat Gruff Enjoys to Trot Trot to Lynn
Biggest Billy Goat Gruff, still enjoys to “Watch it for the river… where he Might….Fall…In!

And here’s the lyrics, my friends.

“This is the way the ladies ride, tritt to tree, tritt to tree, this is the way the ladies ride, tritt to tritt to tree. (sweet light bounces)

This is the way the gentleman ride, gallop to trot, gallop to trot, this is the way the gentleman ride, gallop to gallop to trot. (Bounces a little bigger and jauntier)

This is the way the farmers ride, hobbledy hoy, hobbledy hoy, this is the way the farmer’s ride hobbledy hobbledy hoy. (jostle side to side)

This is the way the hunters ride,
Gallop to gallop to gallop to gallop to trot!!!!!( Biggest bounces)

Trot trot to Boston, trot trot to Lynn. Watch it for the river or you might… fall… In!! Splash!!

This is where you have your legs set out for them to gently “fall in to the water”, and you can build climax with “You might…..Fall….IN!!! And their face if full of anticipatory smiles for when they “fall” into this gentle dip down.

I know what ever it is that you do, is sweet sassy and fun!! Or joyful, jolly and jiving! This lap game is just another trick to pull out of your bag, if you’d like a new one!


Emmy Gay